Flanked by cliffs either end which provide some shelter it is popular with families and so may not …
The village of Allihies stands on the hillside above the rugged splendour of the beach and Ballydonegan Bay.
Plan your dips and swims with our Full Moon Calendar for 2021
Dennis Bree, freestyle swimmer and brother of Olympic Breast-stroker Andrew heard of the plight of undernourished children in …
Derrynane, Co Kerry - Once notorious as a smugglers’ port, the view of Derrynane from the road makes …
Follow Wildswim.ie on Instagram @wildswimireland Goose’ the young Eider duck gained her name, partly after Tom Cruise’s wingman in …
Shame we weren’t able to run the 2020 Couch to 5k with Waterways Ireland and the Share Discovery …